Connecticut SWAT Challenge 2022

The 2022 CT SWAT Challenge was held during the week of August 15th. The range utilized was the Hartford Gun Club in East Granby, CT and Marriott in Windsor, CT was the headquarters hotel. As expected, the event was an immense success. The event is currently under the auspices of Our Heroes Fund ( “Our Heroes Fund is a 501(C)(3) non-profit run by veterans that supports first responders. Through education, training, and donations we honor the service of those that serve.”

CTS has been the exclusive supplier of flash-bangs and less-lethal munitions to the CT SWAT Challenge for over a decade. The CT SWAT Challenge is a first-class event and anyone who can compete or to just stop by and witness some fine competition between dedicated LE professionals is certainly encouraged to do so.

This year, 2022, 28 teams competed, representing the military as well as law enforcement agencies from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Florida, Rhode Island, and New York. There were dozens of vendors on-site representing the who is who in tactical and professional LE Gear.

Check out the websites and/or to keep up to date on the 2023 event. Planning has already begun for that.